St-Hubert Menu Prices (Québec, Canada) – 2024

We know you are looking for the latest St-Hubert menu prices in Québec. That’s why we are here with this article where you can read about St-Hubert.

Knowing the menu and their prices, of course, is a good idea before you make any plans for dinner with your family or someone special.

However, the St-Hubert menu with prices in Québec can change at times and may be different in different locations. But you will have an idea of what average prices you can expect there so that it won’t fall heavy on your pocket.

Alright, enough chit-chat now, have a look at the St. Hubert menu and prices in Québec below.

St-Hubert Menu Prices in Québec

St-Hubert Menu And Prices in Québec
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Poulet / Chicken Menu

Cuisse de poulet / Chicken LegCAN$ 14.95
Cuisse de poulet piri-piri / Piri-Piri Chicken LegCAN$ 16.5
Demi-poulet / Half ChickenCAN$ 20.75
Demi-poulet piri-piri / Piri-Piri Half ChickenCAN$ 22.25
Double cuisse de poulet / Double Chicken LegCAN$ 18.75
Double cuisse de poulet piri-piri / Piri-Piri Double Chicken LegCAN$ 20.25
Poitrine de poulet / Chicken BreastCAN$ 16.95
Poitrine de poulet piri-piri / Piri-Piri Chicken BreastCAN$ 18.5

Côtes levées / Ribs Menu

Demi-côtes levées / Half Rack of RibsCAN$ 20.95
Côtes levées entières / Full Rack of RibsCAN$ 30.5

Combo (poulet et côtes levées) / Combo (Chicken and Ribs) Menu

Demi-côtes levées et cuisse / Half Rack of Ribs and Chicken LegCAN$ 25.95
Quart de poulet poitrine et côtes levées / Quarter Chicken Breast and RibsCAN$ 27.95
Demi-côtes levées et cuisse piri-piri / Half Rack of Ribs and Piri-Piri Chicken LegCAN$ 27.5
Quart de poulet poitrine piri-piri et côtes levées / Quarter Piri-Piri Chicken Breast and RibsCAN$ 29.5

Filets de poitrine / Chicken Breast Fillets Menu

3 filets de poitrine de poulet croustillants / 3 Crispy Chicken Breast FilletsCAN$ 15.5
4 filets de poitrine de poulet croustillants / 4 Crispy Chicken Breast FilletsCAN$ 17.5
6 filets de poitrine de poulet croustillants / 6 Crispy Chicken Breast FilletsCAN$ 21.5

Plats végétariens / Vegetarian Options Menu

Salade Bangkok Végé / Veggie Bangkok SaladCAN$ 17.95
Lanières végé croustillantes / Crispy Veggie StripsCAN$ 17.5
Wrap St-Hubert Végé / St-Hubert Veggie WrapCAN$ 16.5
Poutine St-Hubert Végé- Nouveau! / St-Hubert Veggie PoutineCAN$ 16.95

Sandwichs / Sandwiches Menu

Club burger à la poitrine de poulet croustillante / Club Burger with Crispy Chicken BreastCAN$ 17.5
Club burger à la poitrine de poulet grillée / Club Burger with Grilled Chicken BreastCAN$ 17.5
Club sandwich (viande blanche) / Club Sandwich (White Meat)CAN$ 17.45
Club sandwich (viande brune) / Club Sandwich (Dark Meat)CAN$ 15.95
Hot chicken (viande blanche) / Hot Chicken (White Meat)CAN$ 15.45
Hot chicken (viande brune) / Hot Chicken (Dark Meat)CAN$ 13.95
St-Burger / St-BurgerCAN$ 17.5
St-Burger piri-piri / Piri-piri St-BurgerCAN$ 18.25

Poutines Menu

PoutineCAN$ 13.95
Poutine St-Hubert / St-Hubert PoutineCAN$ 16.95

Poisson / Fish Menu

Fish & Chips / Fish & ChipsCAN$ 18.95

Entrées (pour une personne) / Appetizers (For One) Menu

4 bâtonnets de fromage / 4 Cheese SticksCAN$ 6.95
12 ailes de poulet / 12 Chicken WingsCAN$ 16.95
8 bâtonnets de fromage / 8 Cheese SticksCAN$ 11.95
Crème de poulet / Cream of ChickenCAN$ 4.95
Salade César St-Hubert / St-Hubert Caesar SaladCAN$ 6.75
Soupe poulet et nouilles / Chicken Noodle SoupCAN$ 4.95
6 ailes de poulet / 6 Chicken WingsCAN$ 9.95

Entrées (à partager) / Appetizers (To Share) Menu

16 ailes de poulet / 16 Chicken WingsCAN$ 18.95
24 ailes de poulet / 24 Chicken WingsCAN$ 23.95
6 ailes de poulet / 6 Chicken WingsCAN$ 9.95

Soupes / Soups Menu

Crème de poulet / Cream of ChickenCAN$ 4.95
Soupe poulet et nouilles / Chicken Noodle SoupCAN$ 4.95

Salades-repas / Entree Salads Menu

Salade Bangkok avec filets de poulet croustillants / Bangkok Salad with Crispy Chicken Breast FilletsCAN$ 17.95
Salade Bangkok avec poitrine de poulet grillée / Bangkok Salad with Grilled Chicken BreastCAN$ 17.95
Salade César St-Hubert avec poitrine de poulet rôti / St-Hubert Caesar Salad with Roasted Chicken BreastCAN$ 17.95
Salade Bangkok Végé / Veggie Bangkok SaladCAN$ 17.95

Desserts Menu

BrownieCAN$ 5.25
Gâteau vanillé avec sauce sucre à la crème / Vanilla Cake with Sugar Cream SauceCAN$ 5.25
Gourde de fruits / Fruit PocketCAN$ 2.5
MillefeuilleCAN$ 6.25
Biscuit tendre à l’avoine Tag on the Go/ Tag on the Go Soft Oatmeal CookieCAN$ 2.5
Pointe de tarte au sucre / Sugar Pie SliceCAN$ 5.25
Sac de 12 minibrownies / Bag of 12 Mini BrowniesCAN$ 7
ChocomousseCAN$ 6.25

Menu enfants / Kid’s Menu

Animalerie (Croquettes de poulet) / The Zoo (Chicken Nuggets)CAN$ 8.95
Le Super héros (Haut de cuisse) / Super Hero (Chicken Thigh)CAN$ 9.5

Boissons froides / Cold Beverages Menu

Coca-Cola MD 500 mL / Coca-Cola® 500 mLCAN$ 3
Coca-ColaMD Zéro sucre 500 mL / Coca-Cola® Zero sugarTM 500 mLCAN$ 3
Coke DièteMD 500 mL / Diet Coke® 500 mLCAN$ 3
SpriteMD 500 mL / Sprite® 500 mLCAN$ 3
Canada DryMD Soda gingembre 500 mL/ Canada Dry® Ginger Ale 500 mLCAN$ 3
Minute MaidMD Orange 355 mL/Minute Maid® Orange 355 mLCAN$ 3
Minute MaidMD Pomme 355 mL / Minute Maid® Pomme 355 mLCAN$ 3
Berlingot de lait 2 % (200 mL) / 2% Milk – 200 mL CartonCAN$ 2.25

Boisson chaude / Warm Beverage Menu

Café / CoffeeCAN$ 2.5
Thé / TeaCAN$ 2.5

Accompagnement / Side Dish Menu

Frites extra – portion familiale / Extra French Fries – Family Size PortionCAN$ 7.5
Frites extra – portion individuelle / Extra French Fries – Single-Serving PortionCAN$ 3
2 petits pains en extra / 2 Extra BunsCAN$ 1.25
Riz aux grains en extra / Extra Mixed-Grain RiceCAN$ 3

Salade de chou / Coleslaw Menu

Salade de chou crémeuse – portion individuelle / Salade De Chou Traditionnelle Portion IndividuelleCAN$ 2.25
Salade de chou crémeuse -format familial / Creamy Coleslaw – Family SizeCAN$ 4.75
Salade de chou traditionnelle – format familial / Traditional Coleslaw – Family SizeCAN$ 4.75
Salade de chou traditionnelle portion individuelle / Traditional Coleslaw – Single Serving PortionCAN$ 2.25

Sauce Menu

Sauce BBQ – format familial / BBQ Sauce – Family SizeCAN$ 4.75
Sauce BBQ – portion individuelle / BBQ Sauce – Single ServingCAN$ 2.25
Sauce Hot chicken – format familial / Hot Chicken Sauce – Family SizeCAN$ 4.75
Sauce Hot chicken – portion individuelle / Hot Chicken Sauce – Single ServingCAN$ 2.25

Disclaimer: The menu prices given above may change at any time and may not reflect recent changes. To know the exact menu prices of St-Hubert in Québec, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the restaurant/cafe/bakery, or ice cream parlor directly.

St. Hubert Important Links

Check out some important links to St. Hubert which we thought you might find useful.

St. Hubert Official
St. Hubert MenuLink Here
St. Hubert LocationsN/A
St. Hubert Franchise InfoLink Here
St. Hubert CareersLink Here
St. Hubert Order OnlineOrder Here

St. Hubert Social Media Profiles

If you want to remain up to date with St. Hubert, follow them on their official social media platforms where they update everything.

St. Hubert FacebookLink Here
St. Hubert InstagramLink Here
St. Hubert TwitterLink Here
St. Hubert YoutubeLink Here
St. Hubert TikTokLink Here

St. Hubert Contact Details

Do you want to contact St. Hubert? Check out the St. Hubert contact details and reach out to them if you have any questions.

St. Hubert Corporate Office Address693 Grande Allée E, Québec, QC G1R 2K4, Canada
St. Hubert Phone Number+1 418-653-1234
St. Hubert Contact PageLink Here

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Your feedback helps us improve this article and ensures that every visit of other customers is better than the last. So, if you’ve got a minute, drop us a comment below and let us know what you think. Your taste buds will thank you, and so will we!

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